Acupuncture treatment consists of two parts:
Medical Treatment
By stimulating the specific acupuncture points all over the body, it is aimed to improve the functions of the internal organs and balance their relationship with each other to:
– improve the circulation of vital energy and blood,
– increase the absorption of nutrients and,
– activate the lymphatic system to release the toxins from the body
While providing a positive impact on the overall health, it nourishes your skin from the inside out.
Cosmetic Treatment
Cosmetic part is focusing on the local treatment. By creating tiny microtraumas in the skin – with the use of very fine special needles and techniques – collagen production and blood flow is stimulated which nourishes the skin. This leads to a more even, firm, and glowing complexion.
Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
– Increase the quality of the skin
– Delays the facial aging
– Reduces the fine lines and softens deeper wrinkles
– Lifts the face
– Increase Firmness
– Nourishes and moistens the skin from the inside, resulting in a naturally glowing complexion
– Helps to eliminate puffiness
– Improve skin tone
– Reduce acne
– Reduces stress
How many sessions do I need?
Cosmetic acupuncture is not a replacement for cosmetic surgery; but a natural alternative that many people feel safer. If you want to have a surgical solution but are afraid of it, you may not be happy with the results that you get with cosmetic acupuncture. So, before having the treatment, it is important to have realistic expectations.
Cosmetic acupuncture is a very satisfying experience for a person who wants to be better for her age and would be happy to look 5-7 years younger than her age.
Depending on the skin condition, a typical course of treatment consists of 10-12 consecutive treatments to see the desired results. Twice a week during the first 3-4 weeks, then once a week until you complete the course of treatment.
While results are usually noticeable after just a few sessions, a full course is needed to see a more substantial and visible improvement.
After completing the full course, it is recommended to have maintenance sessions in every 1 to 3months to prolong the results.
How long does the treatment take?
The Four Step treatment includes:
– Facial Mask
– Acupuncture
– Gua Sha
– Face Massage.
Cosmetic Acupuncture with Facial Treatments takes 1.5 hours
The first visit takes longer as there will be an intake session around 30 minutes.
Any side effects?
While there are no significant side effects, occasionally minor bruising may occur. There is little downtime and after the session your skin may have some redness and a warm sensation that will disappear in a few hours.
However, if you are pregnant or have one of the following disorders, you cannot be treated with Cosmetic Acupuncture:
– Bleeding disorder
– Pacemakers
– High Blood Pressure
– Diabetes
– Severe Migraines within the last 3 months