

After studying Econometrics, I started my career as a financial specialist in 1999. Besides my profession in finance, I had a lifelong interest in healthcare motivated primarily by the desire to help people.

My interest in acupuncture started in 2003 as a patient for my chronic back pain. Throughout the years, I experienced the benefits of acupuncture not only for the back pain but also for some other health problems. The results of these treatments left a big impression on me and sparked my interest in studying Traditional Chinese Medicine.

My background:
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture - Shenzhou Open University, Amsterdam.
Western Medicine, HBO - Shenzhou Open University, Amsterdam
Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling Technique - Shenzhou Open University, Amsterdam Practical Application of Classical Chinese Herbal Formulae – EATMS, Amsterdam
Cosmetic Acupuncture Training - Shenzhou Open University, Amsterdam

I regularly attend courses and events to ensure my continuous professional development. And I’m eager to help you on your journey to better health.

I am a registered acupuncturist with Zhong (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Traditionale Chinese Geneeskunde)